Frequently Asked Questions
The answer to many questions can be found here, sorted by subject. Click on a category to see the answers to the questions we receive most often. If you have a question that is not addressed here, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Automation is the heart of FormsTrackR. Here are some of the things you can automate:
- Notifications to selected contacts by email, text, or the FormsTrackR app that a form has been submitted.
- Distribution of submitted information to anyone who needs to act upon it or monitor it until the activities associated with it have been completed.
- Creation of reports from submitted data.
- Distribution of scheduled reports to specific contacts, and…
- Much more.
Sometimes automation is as simple as designating the individuals that should be updated when a particular submission is received. The real magic of FormsTrackR starts when you use its logical tools to process information based on a set of instructions that match the way you work and the way you need information reported.
One quick example can illustrate this. A security guard checks every door, window, staircase and elevator. The guard scans a QR code at each location and submits the form using his smart phone. You want to know two things. Did he miss checking anything and did he find any security issues? With the FormsTrackR Report Writer logic, the data he sends can be processed to report only exceptions, (such as areas that were missed) and any issues found. That's the power of FormsTrackR in action.
In FormsTrackR, users are classified in categories:
- Administrator: Has access to all FormsTrackR features and functions. Grants permission to other individuals on an as-needed basis.
- Associates: Individuals who have been granted permission by the Administrator to Sign In into the FormsTrackR app and other system functions and features. By using the FormsTrackR app, Associates have access to forms designated as Private.
- Contacts: Individuals who are chosen to receive certain form responses and reports. They do not have access to the FormsTrackR app or system.
- Users: Individuals that can use the forms designated as Public.
We encourage you to take advantage of the help files and videos before you call for additional help. They usually answer most questions, but with the power of FormsTrackR, we understand that they may not be enough.
For this reason, we will assist you with your projects with one hour of consulting time as part of your initial introduction to the system. Additional consulting time can be purchased in blocks of time or on a project basis.